Saturday, August 8, 2015

Secret Agent Man? or Little boy in his own fantasy world? Dana Lee Stern Sr

The saga of Dana Lee Stern Sr, AKA, Dan Stern, AKA, Dana C Stern, AKA, Dana M. Stern, AKA, Bob Hemstead, just keeps getting creepier by the day. You would think his misdeeds and exploits would read like some sort of covert agents file , except it is all illusion and lies.It is hard to get his records from Ca because apparently they are sealed to public view unlike other states not to mention the frequent fake names and identities he has used over the years to avoid detection. Who has he betrayed or stabbed in the back? has he ever attempted extortion? How many of hi ex-wives did he stalk? How many times did he hire PIs to do his dirty work? For a man who spends a lot of time at the gun range and preparing for the end of the world and tthe enormous gun collection, you would never guess what a mommy's boy he really is! His 80 some odd year old mother still haas to hold his hand and get him out of trouble. The pictures of his travels around the world show him and his latest wife # ?, wonder who pays for that? Supposedly he is a retired writer, political analyst, even one site says he has a PHD.  What a life! If only any of it was the truth. the truth is something darker and sad. A little boy who wanted to be a Secret Agent Man , but never grew up. Maybe he has the Peter Pan Syndrome?

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